Send your sweetheart XOXO with our vibrant and charming arrangement! Featuring a bright mix of hot pink roses, pink Asiatic lilies & carnations, purple dianthus and much more, it’s artfully hand-designed inside a gorgeous keepsake pink vintage vase and is guaranteed to delight someone special. Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability Arrangement of hot pink roses, pink Asiatic lilies, pink stock, pink carnations, hot pink mini carnations, purple dianthus, purple Alstroemeria and variegated pittosporum Lilies and alstroemeria may arrive in bud form and will open to full beauty over the next 2-3 days Artistically designed inside a keepsake pink vintage vase; measures 8"H Large arrangement measures approximately 20"H x 12"L Medium arrangement measures approximately 19"H x 11"L Small arrangement measures approximately 18"H x 10"L