“Magnificent” describes this bouquet perfectly! Pink long-stem roses are gathered with soft pink Asiatic lilies to help you express your love and gratitude to Mom in the grandest of ways.
12 long-stem hot pink roses paired with 6 pink Asiatic lilies, featuring over 25 blooms. Shades of pink may vary.
Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment.
About Harry London®
Harry London has created unique and delicious chocolates, gourmet truffles, and desserts using family traditions and recipes since 1922.
Add to her gift:
Exclusive pink glass vase, elegantly designed with graceful contours and delicate fluting; measures 8"H
Clear tapered glass vase with a sleek design; measures 9"H
Delicious assortment of Harry London chocolates in a silver foil box that reads: “Sending You Sweet Smiles”; 6 oz