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Joyful Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

LIMITED-TIME OFFER: Send Twice the Flowers for Free! Inspired by the wonder of winter’s landscape, our joyful bouquet is just the gift to warm someone’s heart. Hand-designed with striking white blooms and a cool pop of blue, it’s a gift that delivers the beauty of the season to the people you love. Order today and, for a limited time, get a double bouquet for the price of a single bouquet. All-around arrangement with white roses, carnations and cushion poms; blue delphinium; accented with baby’s breath and assorted Christmas greenery For a limited time, get a large bouquet for the price of a small bouquet Artistically designed in a clear glass vase; measures 8"H Large arrangement measures approximately 18"H x 13"W Small arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 12"W Commack Florist selects the freshest flowers available, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability

Joyful Bouquet



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Neighborhood Flower Delivery areas :

New York, NY NYC, NY New Jersey, NJ Boston, MA