Evoking the enchanting charm of the European countryside, this bouquet captures deep emotions and sentiments. A symphony of pink and red blossoms elegantly presented in a glass vase adorned with a ribbon makes for a timeless token of your affection.
An exquisite blend of red and hot pink roses, pink Asiatic lilies, Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria), Gerbera daisies, and limonium, complemented by lush greenery.
Elegantly set in a transparent glass vase with a graceful pink satin ribbon, it stands at 8"H.
Extra-large bouquet dimensions: approximately 22"H x 15" W.
Large bouquet dimensions: approximately 18"H x 14" W.
Medium bouquet dimensions: approximately 17"H x 12"W.
Small bouquet dimensions: approximately 16"H X 10"W.
As each bouquet is handcrafted by our skilled florists, the colors and varieties may vary slightly depending on local availability.
For an enduring allure, Stargazer lilies and Peruvian lilies might be delivered in bud form, unfolding into full bloom in the subsequent days.