Let her know that your love is forever with our sensational, luxurious arrangement. We’ve gathered 50 of our freshest roses in striking shades of red, pink & lavender and beautifully hand arranged them inside a classic clear glass cylinder vase, creating a romantic and dazzling bouquet. For a gift that’s truly show stopping, add our huggable plush bear, delicious chocolates and “Happy Valentine’s Day” balloons! Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability Bouquet of 50 roses in red, light pink, hot pink and lavender; accented with pink limonium, aspidistra leaf and variegated pittosporum Artistically designed in a clear glass cylinder vase; measures 8"H Arrangement measures approximately 24"H x 20"L Add to her gift: Cuddly plush bear; measures 10"H; safe for ages 3 and up 8 oz. box of delicious assorted chocolates 5 Mylar "Happy Valentine’s Day" balloons; each balloon measures 18"D; only available with bear and chocolate Bear, chocolate assortment and balloon design may vary due to local availability