Add elegance to any occasion with our stunning rose and lily bouquet, created in exclusive partnership with Real Simple. One dozen long-stem orange roses and six elegant, white calla lilies gathered with lush greenery, it’s a gift that captures the unique beauty of autumn.
Arrangement of 12 long-stem orange roses and 6 white Calla lilies, gathered with fresh greenery (shades of orange may vary)
Exclusive blue vase features a series of contemporary, geometric shapes; measures 8"H x 5"W
Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment
About Real Simple®
Inspired by today’s busy and discerning woman, the Real Simple collection, exclusively through 1-800-Flowers.com, speaks to her fast-paced, multi-tasking lifestyle. Known for its sophisticated content and revolutionary de-cluttering solutions, Real Simple is a woman’s modern-day guide to curating her world.